Health & Wellness,  Lifestyle

Is It Still 2020?!?

Well 2020 is still showing out. I speak an excellent remainder of the year over anyone reading this sentence right now. I’ve been sitting in the house bored, thinking you should really post something but I didn’t think I had anything to talk about. My anxiety has been through the roof and like everyone else, life is crazy, scary, and unpredictable right now. So, let’s talk about that. 

Let’s talk about COVID-19 aka Rona aka The Rona…..what in the world is this?? Am I the only one that is still trying to wrap my head around what is really going on? People are seriously out here dying and having to mourn the loss of loved ones virtually. Social interaction is like the worst thing for you right now. Like most people, I have no issues staying at home by myself…as long as it’s my choice. Social distancing is a norm for me. I don’t really go out and do much, if I do it’s by myself or with a select few people. Now you literally have to question whether going to Target is even worth it. You have to check and make sure you have your mask like you check for your phone and keys. More things are starting to open but I will not be swayed. I’m sticking to the rivers and the lakes that I’m used to, meaning the stores that have been open the whole time…the grocery store, dollar tree, and Target. 

If you follow me on any social media platform you know that I was planning a move back to North Carolina. I had been wanting and praying for this move for a while. I finally moved back last Friday (May 1st). While my time in VA wasn’t terrible, VA was just not it for me. I was fortunate enough to have met some incredible people. Shout out to Jennifer and Regenna, I know if nobody else reads this you two will! But it was time for me to go home. I’ve been so excited and overwhelmed by this move. I’ll am now considerably closer to my family and friends, but at the same time this is yet another move in search of “happiness”. But my pursuit of happiness is not what this is supposed to be about. 

The new apartment is cool. It’s actually somewhere that I can see myself being for a little while. My last few apartments I didn’t even finish unpacking because I just knew I wouldn’t be there long. For this one, I bought a new bed, about 90% unpacked, and looking for rugs and wall art. I’ve also added to my plant collections. Yes, I’m a plant mom and have been for about 7 years. My first plant was a peace lily, I used to call them “funeral lilies” because I only saw them at funerals. When my dad passed in Nov 2013 my aunt got me a peace lily and it’s been through some things but I still have it. Maybe I’ll do a plant introduction next time. Fun fact: I moved into the apartment with 7 plants; I now have 13. Plants are a form of therapy for me. They are living things that depend on me to care for them. I guess you can say they spark joy in my life. 

During this time of uncertainty, it’s so important to find things to occupy your time and mind. It doesn’t have to be anything super serious, just something to distract you from the negativity going on around you. I have my plants, I talk to my mom and sister almost every day, I’m doing a virtual paint nite tomorrow night. I learned (well learning) how to do gel polish and obsessing over Dollar Tree organization. Do whatever you feel you need to do. Work on your business, start a business, start a blog, rest, sleep, workout, get outside, whatever it takes. Find your spark and feel it! 


  • Andrena Toomer

    I love it!!!!! You’ll have to help me with the plants. I’m an Edward Scissor Hands type plant person. Keep the positivity going lady 😘😘😘. Can’t wait to catch up.

    • Sparks

      Thanks Drena!! Girl I have some of the easiest plants. I’m starting to get into “higher” maintenance ones now lol